About us

About us

As the membership association of professional fundraisers in Belgium, Fundraisers Belgium drives the professionalisation of the fundraising role.

We strengthen, connect and champion fundraisers in Belgium.

Fundraising as a powerful lever for strong organisations!

In 2011, a group of motivated fundraisers decided to start a professional association of fundraisers in Belgium. This group laid the foundation for what is now known as the Fundraisers Belgium.

Fundraisers Belgium is a member of the European Fundraising Association and the ImpactCoalitie.


Ode to the fundraiser (Tom Moons)

A profession in its own right
People follow us.
More than we think of ourselves.

Not because of what we do.

But why we do it.

That in itself is special.

In that why is a motive, an emotion, an injustice, an ambition.
We don't realise that enough.

We are not proud enough of it.

And let that be my message.

That we can be proud of what we do.

Because it is a job in its own right.
Working every day for that goal where we want to see change.
Every day the courage to ask.

Sometimes head down at a no.

But asking the question again and again.

And again.
From a motive, an emotion, an injustice, an ambition.

We do something special, people.
Each for our own purpose.

But together.

Truly a profession in its own right.

By Tom Moons (fundraiser at SOS Children's Villages board member of Fundraisers Alliance Belgium, November 2022)

Want to be a friend of the Fundraisers Belgium?

The Fundraisers Belgium has several Friends of the Fundraisers Belgium that co-brand with our quality network of decision makers in the fundraising world. Send an e-mail to info@fundraisersbelgium.be if you want more information about partnering up with the Fundraisers Belgium.